For as much as I like most bugs, they undoubtedly have a way of ruining a garden in a very timely fashion. As a child, I would run from the garden to the woods, transplanting as many garden bugs as possible before my mother came out to send them to their final resting cloud in the sky. I always thought it was rather unfair to kill garden bugs. After all, they were just bugs who were hungry and had landed in the garden to eat. How are garden bugs supposed to tell the difference between the regular plants and the garden?
As an adult, however I now understand the vast amount of money that can go into a garden, and I understand that garden bugs have a critical mass population and wiping out a few hundred isn't something that is going to send my soul to hell, so down with the garden bugs.
Fortunately there are some very effective methods of dealing with garden bugs that are inexpensive, non-toxic, and safe for everyone except the garden bug. Depending on the particular garden bug you find yourself plagued with you may very well be able to get rid of your pesky garden bugs without ever having to chemically treat your garden.
I know that slugs are not a garden "bug" per se, except that they are in your garden and they definitely bug you as they slowly destroy all you plants. Personally, I like slugs and do make the effort to remove them before killing them. However, once I am outnumbered, my only option is to send them off to a happy garden bug heaven.
Slugs are very attracted to beer. When killing garden bugs with beer, quality actually does matter. They seem to prefer the Corona or Killian''s type of beer, bug for a garden bug, they certainly like to swing it back. Tupperware containers that are no more than an inch high with about ¾ of an inch of beer on the bottom placed strategically around the garden will attract this sweet and lovable garden "bug" where he will merrily drink himself into a drunken stupor and fall fast into a permanent sleep. It is my belief that if we have to kill the garden bugs, we should do so with as much kindness and thoughtfulness as humanly possible.
Japanese Beetles, the garden bug that loves to murder the rose bushes, quietly rest in perpetual silence in a small jar of olive oil. These garden bugs are simple to scoop into a small jar where they will ultimately fall into a peaceful permanent sleep.
Of course, there are specific plants that will help minimize garden bugs in your garden. Planting Basil next to your ground cover for instance helps deter tiny gnats once the basil reaches maturity. The list is endless. Next time your garden bugs are snacking heavily, check out the vast array of alternative methods of deterring and destroying garden bugs without causing significant harm to plants, pets, children, or other helpful small creatures.
Lanny Hintz writes about Dutch gardens promo, Irises Discount Code and Flower gardens
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