Bring up the topic of gardening in almost any social situation, and you''re bound to receive plenty of gardening advice. Everyone from greenhorn to green thumb has plenty of gardening tips to offer. Some homegrown ideas can produce bountiful results, so ask around and see which ideas grow on you.
There are plenty of sources available when you''re looking for gardening tips . You can read gardening books, catalogues and magazines. You can enquire at a garden center or check the Internet. Of course, you can ask a more seasoned gardener for his or her advice. Gardening methods, tricks and tips can vary depending on the type of garden or variety of plant your tending, but some gardening tips are universal and apply to any type of plant.
Gardening tips for planting tend to by fairly universal. All plants need room to grow, so space them so the roots can develop and the plants won''t overcrowd each other. It''s important to know the amount of sunlight required. Some plants, like hostas, prefer a shady corner of the garden while others, like most annual flowers and vegetables, thrive in open sunlight. Ventilation is also important because like all living things, plants need proper air circulation. Sources offering valuable gardening tips will also tell you to add some type of nutrients to the soil, such as mulch or compost, to help your plants grow bigger and stronger. Every plant will benefit from these general gardening tips.
Watering is a little more specialized. Different varieties of plants require different amounts of water. Obviously, a tomato needs regular watering, but a cactus needs very little. How much you water also depends on the climate. Where you live and how much rain you get can affect your watering guidelines. When seeking and following gardening tips, be sure to take your geography and climate into account.
No matter who is handing out the gardening tips, they''ll be sure to tell you that plants need to be fertilized. This is an essential step to take as soon as you plants, and it''s important to fertilize throughout the growing season. Care must be taken however, because it is possible to over fertilize and harm a growing plant. The type of fertilizer you choose will be dependant on the pH balance and content of your soil. Many garden centers offer soil-testing services. There are many organic and chemical fertilizers on the market, but don''t forget that good old compost can be a very effective alternative. One of the best gardening tips you can get is how to make a compost pile, and how to use compost to feed your plants.
Probably the most sought after gardening tips are how to get rid of pesky insects, critters, weeds and disease. Pests can easily invade and quickly destroy a garden, so it''s important to address the problem at the first sign of danger. Depending on the source of your gardening tips, you may be told to use natural or organic chemical herbicides or pesticides. Some homegrown remedies, such as cayenne pepper to keep the groundhog away, might also hold some value. Ask around to see what has worked for others.
Gardening is a fun hobby and can add great value to your home, but you can find that you''re facing formidable enemies like insects, weeds, disease and weather. Even the most seasoned of gardeners need to find gardening tips from time to time. Friends and other gardeners are a great source for general gardening tips, but if you''re looking for specific advice it will be worthwhile to consult a gardening book or search online for a trusted source.
Anyone who''s ever potted a petunia or grown a geranium will be quick to offer gardening tips. Keep in mind that there will be the occasional bad apple, so choose your advice wisely.
Nancy Anderson contributes articles to several popular online magazines, on home and garden, creative writing, and hobbies and leisure themes.
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