Monday, May 12, 2008

Squash Varieties (Part 1 of 4)

Acorn - Easily found in supermarkets. As its name suggests, this winter squash is shaped like an acorn. One of my favorite baking squashes, it's easy to slice into halves and fill with butter.. A small acorn squash weighs from 1 to 3 pounds, and has sweet, slightly fibrous flesh. Its distinct ribs run the length of its hard, blackish-green or golden-yellow skin. In addition to the dark green acorn, there are now golden and multi-colored varieties. Available year round

Ambercup - A relative of the buttercup squash that resembles a small pumpkin. Bright orange flesh has a dry sweet taste. Has an extraordinarily long storage life.
Available June to November.

Autumn Cup - A hybrid semi-bush buttercup dark green squash. Rich flavored flesh and high yields. Fruit size 6 inches with a weight of about 2 to 3 pounds.

Available September through December.

Banana - In shape and skin color, this winter squash is reminiscent of a banana. It grows up to two feet in length and about six inches in diameter. Its bright orange, finely-textured flesh is sweet. Banana squash is often available cut into smaller pieces. Available year-round - peak season lasts summer through early fall.


A Primer on Winter Squash, North Coast Cooperative.

The Sweet & Savory Sides of Winter Squash, by Ris Lacoste, Taunton Press.

Winter Squash Good Keepers in Produce Department, by Patricia Aaron, Sept. 24, 2003.

Wonderful Winter Squash, by Terra Brockman, Conscious Choice, October 2002.